The Baby and the Beanstalk:
Supporting Healthy Brain Development
2005 Conference A Big Success!
Thank you for attending.

coming soon!
coming soon!
Martha Farah
PPT presentation

Rebecca Shamoon Shanok
PPT presentation
Keynote Overview

Keynote Resources

Jack Shonkoff
PPT presentation
2005 Conference Binder available
Limited Quantity - Sale Price $19.99 includes shipping and handling!

*Valuable Statewide Resource Section
*NY Policy Reports related to Infants and Toddlers
*Articles from Keynote Speakers
*Contact information for Presenters, Exhibitors and Participants

Call the NYS Child Care Coordinating Council today!
or order with a credit card online

230 Washington Avenue Extension Albany, NY 12203 ph. 518-690-4217 fax 518-690-2887