Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This site includes research and education activities focused on child development and health.
Western New York Child Care Network
This site is an online database of resources for providers.
Wheelock College Institute for Leadership and Career Initiatives
The national center for early childhood career development initiatives, located at Wheelock College.
Choices for Children
This site provides on-line resources related to child care.
Early Childhood News
Early Childhood News serves the training/in-service needs of child care professionals by providing a journal of professional development.
Electronic Policy Network
A resource site, including information and links to national organizations working in child and family policy, welfare reform, health policy and economic research.
Families and Work Institute
Families and Work Institute is a national non-profit research, strategic planning, and consulting organization dedicated to conducting policy and work site research on the changing workforce and changing family/personal lives.
Native Web
A site that provides information about the lives and cultures of Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, and other indigenous peoples. Topics include language, education, organizations, newsletter, and other web sites, which focus on Native issues.
Zero to Three for Parents and for Professionals
This site provides information in the fields of medicine, mental health, research science and child developme