National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
This site describes this voluntary national certification for teachers.
National Association for Family Child Care
This site gives resources and information on accreditation for family child care providers.
National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies
This site provides news, resources and on-line learning options for Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies.
National Child Care Association
This site provides information and resources for owned and/or operated licensed private child care pre-school programs.
National School Age Care Alliance
This site contains information, resources, public policy and NSACA Accreditation information.
Cooperative Extension Systems National Network
This site contains child care information from American public colleges and universities.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
The nation’s largest organization of early childhood education professionals.
National Black Child Development Institute
An organization committed to improving and protecting the quality of life of African American children and families.
National Child Care Information Center
NCCIC attempts to complement, not duplicate, the work of other agencies by promoting linkages with national organizations and clearing houses.
National Coalition for Campus Children’s Centers
A non-profit education membership organization. NCCC supports research and activities affecting college and university early childhood education and service settings and the field of early childhood education in general.