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1st Annual New York State Conference on Infancy Save the Date! October 14-16, 2004

Transportation to…

Plane: There are no connecting flights from ANY cities/towns in New York State into Greater Binghamton Regional Airport.

Train: None

Bus: Shortline Bus/ Coach USA – 607-722-7553
NYC to Binghamton – Bus runs every other hour.
Other cities – Call Shortline for bus schedule.

Greyhound Bus Lines – 1-800-231-2222
NYC to Binghamton – Bus runs 10 times a day.
Other cities – Call Greyhound for bus schedule.

Limousine Service:
Approximately $499 to $699 (NYC) or $499 (Rochester) for a 6-10 people coach one way! Information from “Superior Limousine Service” – 607-758-3333

Car: Approximate Mileage from some of the larger cities in New York to Binghamton.

NYC - 137.4 miles
Rochester – 113.1 miles
Albany – 116.5 miles
Syracuse – 66.7 miles
Buffalo – 160.5 miles
Ithaca – 37.8 miles

*Extra time should be allowed for road construction , detours, delays, and traffic conditions.

New York State map gives approximate mileage from one city to another. Maps are available through NYS “Travel and Tourism Information” @ 1-800-225-5697.

“Map Quest” on the internet provides mileage and directions.

“Mileage Calculator” on the internet gives approximate mileage between two cites.


City Cab Co
235 Court
Binghamton, NY
Phone: 607-722-2422

Endicott Cab Co.
375 State Street
Binghamton, NY
Phone: 607-723-8389

OWL Taxicab Service
375 State Street
Binghamton, NY
Phone: 607-722-3447

Whalen’s Taxi Co
375 State Street
Binghamton, NY
Phone: 607-722-8388

Yellow Cab
Binghamton, NY

Phone: 607-722-8322