Opening Keynote Address at Thursday Luncheon- Infants and Toddlers in Context: Key Elements in a Comprehensive Support System for Families of Very Young Children presented by Dr. Moncrieff Cochran of Cornell University
In this presentation Dr. Cochran will outline the key elements of a comprehensive support system for very young children and their families. The importance and effectiveness of these key elements will be underscored with the use of findings from a number of longitudinal studies, including the ongoing evaluation of the national Early Head Start Program. Emphasis will be given to the value of state and local collaborations across systems, and the opportunities presented by the recent initiatives under way in New York on behalf of 0-3 year-old children and their families.
Moncrieff Cochran is a Professor of Human Development and Director of the Cornell Early Childhood Program in the College of Human Development at Cornell University, where he conducts research related to the social contexts affecting parent and child development, and develops empowerment-oriented family support and child care programs based on that research. He received his bachelors degree in social relations from Harvard College, and Masters and PhD. degrees in education and psychology from the University of Michigan. The content of Dr. Cochran's research and program development work includes child care, early childhood education, home-school relations, the social networks of parents and children, and the empowerment process.
In 1990 Dr. Cochran and colleagues published Extending Families: the Social Networks of Parents and their Children (Cambridge University Press), which presents the findings from 10 years of social network research focused on families with young children. His International Handbook of Child Care Policies and Programs, reporting on developments in 29 different countries, was published by Greenwood Press in May, 1993. An edited volume, Empowerment and Family Support, was published by Cornell Media Services in 1995. The 2nd edition of Child Care that Works: A Parent's Guide to finding Quality Child Care, co-authored with Eva Cochran, was published by Gryphon House in 2000. Dr. Cochran has just completed Finding our Way: American Child Care in Global Perspective, in which he applies lessons learned from his international child care research project to the U.S. child care scene. He is a past member of the Governing Board of the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Closing Keynote Address –at Saturday Luncheon - The First 36 Months: A Time to Learn and a Time for Fun presented by Dr. Joseph Sparling
Joseph Sparling, PhD, an early childhood educator, former school teacher and principal is the author of Learning Games, The Abecedarian Curriculum, Partners for Learning and Conversation Books. He is a fellow of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute and is a research professor at Georgetown University.
Thursday Evening Reception and Celebration 5-7 pm – Come join the party as we celebrate the first New York State gathering of infant/toddler professionals and kick off a NYS Better Baby Care Campaign! Formal remarks and awards begin at 6pm.
Saturday Morning Regional Roundtable Discussions 9:30-11:30am – Facilitated discussions will explore the creation of regional infant/toddler coalitions that will be funded to set goals and implement plans for strengthening and expanding partnerships throughout New York state. For more information about these discussions, contact the Infant/Toddler Technical Assistance Center in your region or call (518) 690-4217.
Poster Sessions - Two Friday sessions (morning and afternoon) will provide participants with an opportunity to view poster displays and talk with presenters about research findings, credentialing opportunities, program models, professional associations and more.
Commercial and Non Commercial Exhibitors – Exhibits will be available throughout the conference and at a special extended period during Friday’s lunch. Many state organizations as well as selected vendors of curricula, resources and equipment will be on display.