Dates and Topics

Video Conference Training for ChildCare Providers, January-June, 2000
Presented by NYS OCFS and SUNY Early Childhood Education and Training Program. For further information call SUNY at 518.443.5940 or toll-free at 888.399.0549

1/27/2000: Food for Thought: How to Encourage Healthy Eating
2/17/2000: Child Abuse and Maltreatment Identification and Preventions
3/30/2000: Open-ended Activities: Learning by Doing
4/27/2000: Programming for Preschool Children with Language and Behavioral Disabilities
5/25/2000: ADHD: Planning for Success
6/22/2000: Play: Your role in Making it Work


Upcoming Events

Dr. Berry Brazelton March 24, 2000, Albany, NY
For more information call: 518.426.7181 Ext 19


Conference Alert

NYSAEYC Conference 2000

What: Literacy for the 21st Century

Where: New York City

When: March 2-5, 2000

Sponsored by: New York State AEYC
For Information, call 800-246-AEYC 518-463-0839


Family Child Care Association of New York State, Inc.

What: 2000 Conference

Where: Albany, NY

When: April 28th - 30th

For further information call 518.463.1720


College Course Offerings

1. The Bank Street College of Education (New York City) is offering a "Certificate Program for After School Education" (Grades K-8). For further information: Phone: (212)875-4649 Email:

2. The Office of Professional Development at the Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester (New York) is offering January through May 2000 a special series for Early Childhood Professionals on Developmentally Appropriate Practices. For further information call 716.275.7833 or 275.8270


Subsidy and Grant Opportunities

The New York State Education Department announces Candidate Fee Subsidy Program and Albert Shanker Grant Program in support of National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification. Funds are available for the 1999-2000 school year in support of teachers seeking National Board certification. For further information contact: Sanford Lake, Office of Teaching, NYSED, 5 North, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234 518.474.6440, Fax: 518.473.0271 or email: