Web Links
The New York State Child Care Coordinating Council-The Career Development Initiative of New York State takes no responsibility for, nor endorses information contained on, products sold through, opinions/positions expressed, or web links provided by any linked web site. If the viewer has concerns about a specific web site contact that web site directly and let us know of your concerns. If you would like additional web links considered, .
Child Care Resources and Referal Sites
Capital District Child Care Coordinating Council www.cdcccc.org
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schnectady counties.
Chemung County Child Care Connection www.cseop.org
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Chemung County.
Child Care Council of the Finger Lakes, Inc. www.cayuganet.org/childcarecouncil
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Cayuga and Seneca counties.
Child Care Council of Onondaga County www.childcaresyracuse.org
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Onondaga County.
Child Care Council of Orange County, Inc. www.childcarecounciloc.org
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Orange County.
Child Care Resources of Rockland, Inc. www.childcarerockland.org
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Rockland County.
Day Care and Child Development Council of Tompkins County www.lightlink.com/daycare
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Tompkins County.
Mid-York Child Care Coordinating Council www.wdsny.org/oneida/mycc.htm
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Oneida County.
Sullivan County Child Care Council, Inc. www.scchildcare.com
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Sullivan County.
The Child Care Council, Inc. www.childcarecouncil.com
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Monroe County.
The Cortland Area Child Care Council, Inc. www.clarityconnect.com/webpages2/caccc
A New York State community based agency that assists parents with finding quality, affordable child care. Supports child care providers in professional development and program operations. Serves Cortland County.
Military Child Development Program http://dticaw.dtic.mil/milchild
This site provides information about the US Military Child Development Program and its systematic approach to child care by linking all programs: center, family child care forms, school-age programs and CRr&R systems.
Child Care Bureau www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/ccb
Information on the Child Care and Development Block Grant, links to other Administration on Children and Families sites and other information within the Department of Health and Human Services, with links to other related child care sites.
Early Head Start National Resource Center www.ehsnrc.org
This site provides resources for healthy development of infants, toddlers and their families and pregnant women.
ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. www.ericeece.org
A national system supported by the U.S. Department of Education.
Literacy Information and Communication Systems http://novel.nifl.gov/about/abtlincs.htm
LINCS is a cooperative electronic network of the National Institute for Literacy bringing all adult litteracy-related rescources to a single focal point.
Office of the Federal Register www.access.gpo.gov
This site will allow one to search the Code of Federal Regulation, the daily Federal Register, and other pertinent U.S. government documents.
U.S. Bureau of the Census www.census.gov
National Associations/Organizations
National Board of Professional Teaching Standards www.nbpts.org
This site describes this voluntary national certification for teachers.
National Association for Family Child Care www.nafcc.org
This site gives resources and information on accreditation for family child care providers.
National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies www.naccrra.net
This site provides news, resources and on-line learning options for Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies.
National Child Care Association www.nccanet.org
This site provides information and resources for owned and/or operated licensed private child care pre-school programs.
National School Age Care Alliance www.nsaca.org
This site contains information, resources, public policy and NSACA Accreditation information.
Child Care Action Campaign www.usakids.org/sites/ccac.html
A national coalition of individuals and organizations, the Child Care Action Campaign provides information about the child care needs of families and children to parents, business leaders and policy makers.
Cooperative Extension Systems National Network www.nncc.org
This site contains child care information from American public colleges and universities.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) www.naeyc.org
The nations largest organization of early childhood education professionals.
National Black Child Development Institute www.nbcdi.org
An organization committed to improving and protecting the quality of life of African American children and families.
National Child Care Information Center ericps.ed.uiuc.edu/nccic/orgs/orglist.html
NCCIC attempts to complement, not duplicate, the work of other agencies by promoting linkages with national organizations and clearing houses.
National Coalition for Campus Childrens Centers http://ericps.crc.uiuc.edu/n4c/n4chome.html
A non-profit education membership organization. NCCC supports research and activities affecting college and university early childhood education and service settings and the field of early childhood education in general.
National Head Start Bulletin Board System www.hsbbs.org
An electronic bulletin board for posting news about Head Start and a library of files covering a wide range of topics relevant to Head Start and early childhood.
National Institute on Out-of-School Time (formerly The School-age Child Care Project) www.wellesley.edu
This site provides a host of information including, upcoming events, MOST Initiative, Save the Children rural initiative, information about the National Improvement and Accreditation System, publications, data and on-line resources.
New York State Government Sites
New York State Office of Children and Family Services www.dfa.state.ny.us/ccrr/
This site provides information about the range of resources to help parents with their child care needs, people who want to start or are currently running child care programs, and anyone with a concern about the health or safety of a child in a day care program.
New York State Education Department Professional Development www.emsc.nysed.gov:9210/development/home.html
This site provides information on Teacher Professional Development in New York State.
New York State Board of Regents www.nysed.gov/regents/
New York State Council on Children and Families www.capital.net/com/council
This state agency is charged with ensuring the coordination of services to children and their families.
New York State Education Department www.nysed.gov
New York State Associations/Organizations
New York State School-Age Care Coalition www.angelfire.com/on2/nyssacc
The New York State School-Age Care Coalition promotes the growth and development of quality school-age programs and acts as a voice for children, their families, and staff at the federal, state and local level.
New York State Teacher Centers sunp.nyit.edu/teachercenter/
A statewide network of teacher centers located across New York State. Teacher centers provide an array of professional development opportunities for NYS teachers.
Family Child Care Association of New York State http://battleflag.com/fccanys.
This site provides information on up coming events, newsletters and membership information about this state association.
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill www.fpg.unc.edu
This site includes research and education activities focused on child development and health.
Western New York Child Care Network http://rin.buffalo.edu/childcare/
This site is an online database of resources for providers.
Center for Career Development in Early Care and Education ericps.ed.uiuc.edu/ccdece/ccdece.html
The national center for early childhood career development initiatives, located at Wheelock College.
Choices for Children www.choices4children.org/
This site provides on-line resources related to child care.
Early Childhood News www.earlychildhoodnews.com
Early Childhood News serves the training/in-service needs of child care professionals by providing a journal of professional development.
Electronic Policy Network http://epn.org
A resource site, including information and links to national organizations working in child and family policy, welfare reform, health policy and economic research.
Families and Work Institute www.familiesandwork.org/
Families and Work Institute is a national non-profit research, strategic planning, and consulting organization dedicated to conducting policy and work site research on the changing workforce and changing family/personal lives.
Native Web www.nativeweb.org
A site that provides information about the lives and cultures of Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, and other indigenous peoples. Topics include language, education, organizations, newsletter, and other web sites, which focus on Native issues.
Zero to Three for Parents and for Professionals www.zerotothree.org
This site provides information in the fields of medicine, mental health, research science and child development.